Dnia 8 kwietnia odbyły się w naszej szkole egzaminy Cambridge English Qualifications na różnych poziomach. Do egzaminów przystąpiło 50 uczniów. Poniżej prezentujemy wypowiedź Regionalnego Lidera egzaminów na Polskę Zachodnią, Roba Pagetta, który był w Dąbrówce 8 kwietnia i wraz z innymi licencjonowanymi egzaminatorami przeprowadził sesję egzaminacyjną.

Rob Pagett – Regional Team Leader, West Poland.

Cambridge Assessment English.

Today at the primary school here in Dąbrówka a varied age-range of children are sitting the first five levels of the Cambridge Assessment English tests – Starters, Movers, Flyers, Key and Preliminary for Schools – from Pre A1 through to B1 according to the CEFR (Common European Framework). These qualifications are recognised worldwide and I am pleased to see that more and more children in Poland are taking them. Every year the children we test are better prepared which shows how aware their teachers are that guiding their pupils along such a pathway through English learning is worthwhile.

The Cambridge English Qualifications for young learners provide a great opportunity for children to show what they can do in English. The tests are designed to evaluate a child's English level in line with their natural development and there is a focus on communicative skills that reflects the use of English in the real world, beyond the realm of school and standard education. The tasks the children are asked to complete are up-to-date and relevant to their own lives, the tests can help build a child's confidence in their own ability and they move forward with a knowledge of English that they can apply in real, everyday situations.

I'm sure that for the majority of entrants today, this was their first external exam under such controlled conditions, the first time they are speaking to an examiner in a foreign language - which I appreciate can be a stressful situation. I do feel that this is however, a valuable experience, one which develops life skills and can be extremely rewarding. Both the children and their parents can see their progress in English through the different stages, the sense of achievement is very positive and encourages further learning.

I'd like to say, also on behalf of the assessment team, that we all enjoyed our time here and hope each child that we met today will continue with their English and make progress up through the levels with confidence.

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